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Daniel Vuvu

Daniel Vuvu

Project Manager

Engenharia / Arquitetura

Luanda, Luanda Province


Sobre Daniel Vuvu:

My name is Daniel Vuvu João Diogo, I studied Petroleum Engineering (Exploration & Production) by Jean Piaget University of Angola - Campus University of Viana for 4 years and half. 

During my studied time, I learned a lot about the universe's oil industry, such as foundations; Hydraulics, Geophysics, Petroleum Geology, Testing and Subsea, Drilling & Cementing, Reservoirs, Production Oil and Gas, Recovery Methods, Offshore Technology, Pipeline Services and so on. Having worked within the oil and gas and Hydraulic (Water) industry for 6 years and 5 years as Hydraulic Eng. at Goverment Company EPAL EP. 

I have developed a wide range of skills that would meet, and exceed the expectations for the role and administration too. My current position is Project Manager at Goverment Company EPAL EP. 

Please find attached a copy of my resume for your consideration. I would relish the opportunity to bring this level of success to your company. 



Position: Project Manager (Current Charge)
Expertise: Hydraulic Engineer/Project Management,
Company: Empresa Publica de Águas de Luanda EPAL – E.P
Network: Project Management

Position: Associate Technical Professional (ATP)
PPS: Pipeline Service Engineer/Instrumentation
Expertise: Production solution (PS)
Company: Halliburton Overseas
Network: Completion and Production

Position: Field Professional Reservoir Evaluation Engineer
Expertise: Testing and Subsea
Company: Halliburton Overseas
Network: Drilling & Evaluation

Position: Seismic Engineer (Internship)
Expertise: Data Processing
Company: Schlumberger Technical – WesternGeco
Network: Geophysics



Qualification: Petroleum Engineering.
Degree name: Petroleum Engineer (Prospecting and Production).
Learning Institution: Jean Piajet University.
Core disciplines: Hydraulics, Hydraulics calculation Pumps, Reservoir, Well Completion, Drilling and Completion, Oilfield Development, Oil and Gas Production, Applied Drilling Technology, Hydrocarbon Geology, Sedimentology, Applied Mechanics, etc.

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